At Lumie Salon, we value the safety and health of our community above all else. As New Jersey takes its slow steps towards reopening, we have put together a plan for how we will serve you when the time comes for our salon to open. We ask that you read all the points that follow. We look forward to serving you!
All clients will be required to wear masks. All staff will as well.
We will disinfect all hard surfaces several times throughout the shift with a virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal cleanser approved by the EPA for use against the human coronavirus. All tools and other materials used regularly will be cleaned between clients. Our salon will be deep cleaned by a professional service weekly. Containers of barbicide, which is used to cleanse tools such as combs and scissors, will be changed every three business days.
All clients will be asked to wash their hands upon entering the salon with an alcohol-based cleanser available at the front desk, and throughout their appointments using the dispensers available throughout the salon. Staff will clean their hands with warm soapy water between each client for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Waiting chairs will be cleaned between clients. We will not provide reading materials such as magazines and newspapers in our waiting area, please bring your own reading material.
Cash tips will be placed in envelopes with the stylist's name on them and placed into a bin which will be opened every two weeks. There will be a new bin available every day. We will also accept tips via Venmo.
Clients and staff will maintain safe social distancing wherever possible. This means no hugs or shaking hands, and stations between clients will be spaced at least six feet apart.
Our salon will maintain a maximum of 50% capacity until the authorities have determined that it is safe for us to expand.
If you are feeling unwell in any way we urge you to call us to reschedule your appointment. If you are living with anyone who is sick or currently quarantined we ask that you reschedule your appointment as well.
The recovery and reopening after COVID-19 is an ever-evolving situation, and we will continue to follow the latest recommendations from experts to provide you with the safest service.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.